At the temple we often see the Kiswa ( cloth / black duvet cover Ka'bah ) . The purpose of the installation of the fabric is to protect the temple wall of dirt , dust , and heat that can make it become damaged . In addition it also serves as a decoration kiswah Ka'bah ,
According to history , the Kaaba has been given kiswah since the time of Ishmael , son of Abraham AS . But there is no record that tells the time of the Prophet Ismail kiswah made of and what color . New on the leadership of Raja Asad Abu Bakr Himyar of Yemen , which protects the Kaaba mentioned kiswah made of woven fabric .

King of Himyar to put policies in accordance kiswah Arab tradition that evolved from the days of Ishmael followed by his successors . At the time of Qusay ibn Kilab , one of the prominent ancestor Prophet Muhammad , the Ka'aba kiswah installation is the responsibility of the Arab tribe of Quraysh .
Prophet Muhammad himself had also ordered kiswah manufacture of cloth from Yemen . While the four caliphs successor to the Prophet Muhammad are included in the Khulafa al - Rashidun ordered kiswah manufacture of cotton yarn .
Meanwhile , the Caliphate era Abbasiyah , 4th Caliph al - Mahdi ordered that kiswah Khuz made of silk fabric . During his reign , kiswah imported from Egypt and Yemen .
According to historical records , kiswah not always solid black as it is today . The first kiswah made of woven fabric of Yemen actually red - lanes and lanes . While on the Caliphate of Mamun ar - Rashid , kiswah made with a white background . Kiswah also been made green by order of the Caliph An - Nasir of the Abbasids ( around the 16th century AD ) and kiswah also been made yellow by the command of Muhammad ibn Sabaktakin .
Replacement kiswah colorful from year to year , apparently to disturb the minds of Caliph al - Mamun of the Abbasid dynasty , until finally it was decided that it should remain kiswah color from time to time are black . Until now , though kiswah replaced every year , but the color is always black .
In the golden era of Islam , manufacture and procurement responsibilities kiswah always borne by each ruling caliph in the Hijaz , Saudi Arabia at any time. Although kiswah always the responsibility of the caliphs , a king in the land of Hijaz ever presented outside the government kiswah Hijaz .
First , kiswah made of black silk was imported from Egypt who had taken cost of cash Kingdom of Egypt . Kiswah delivery of Egyptian tradition started in the time of Sultan Sulaiman who ruled Egypt about the year 950 -an H until the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the late 1920s .

Every year , kiswah - beautiful kiswah made in Egypt was taken to Makkah over land use called mahmal beautiful litters . Kiswah along with other gifts in mahmal come along with a group of Egyptian pilgrims were headed by a amirul hajj .
Amirul hajj was officially designated by the government of the Kingdom of Egypt. Of Egypt , after the handover ceremony , escorted mahmal Egyptian army went to the Suez Canal with special ships to the port of Jeddah. Arriving in Hijaz , mahmal was paraded with a very festive ceremony heading to Mecca .
Kiswah shipments from Egypt never late and early months of Dhu al-Hijjah . It happened some time after the outbreak of World War I. Kiswah delivery delays occur due to unsafe atmosphere and conducive due to World War I.
Looking at the situation is not good at the time, King Ibn Saud ( founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ) took the decision to immediately make himself kiswah given on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah , kiswah kiswah old should be replaced with new ones . The attempt is successful with the establishment of the company located in Kampung weaving Jiyad , Mecca .
After World War I ended , King Farouq of Egypt I send back to the land of Hijaz kiswah . But look at the conditions at that time , the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under King Abdul Aziz Bin Saud decided to make kiswah own factory in 1931 in Makkah . Until finally kiswah made in Saudi Arabia today.
Kiswah fabric has a unique and distinct advantage . Spun - yarn spun gold and silver come together to assemble scratches kalam Divine . kiswah be very valuable , not only because of the words of Allah in the holy spun kiswah , but also because of the beauty and exoticism of colored yarn spun gold and silver on its surface .
Gold and silver color combination on calligraphy that adorns kiswah has exceptional artistic value . Because making requires skill and exceptional talent because not everyone is able to make such beautiful art . Kiswah a symbol of strength , simplicity , grandeur too .

Process Kiswa
Kiswah first made made by a craftsman named Adnan bin Ad with camel leather raw materials . But in its development , kiswah made from silk fabric . To make a kiswah requires 670 kg of silk , or about 600 square meters of silk fabric consisting of 47 pieces of cloth . Each piece is a length of 14 meters and a width of 95 cm .
Size was adjusted to cover the Kaaba cube field on all four sides . As for the ornament of gold spun required 120 kg of gold and a few tens of kg of silver .

Since 1931 , to cover the Kaaba kiswah manufactured in a factory located on the outskirts of Mecca , Saudi Arabia . In the factory , the manufacture of modern kiswah done using modern weaving machines . In kiswah factory area is 10 hectares which it employed about 240 craftsmen kiswah .
In the factory , kiswah made in bulk . That's where everything is prepared from planning , prototype drawing calligraphy , washing silk yarn , knitting base fabric , yarn manufacture of many miles of pure gold and silver until the spinning calligraphy of gold and silver thread , and sewing the end .
Although kiswah appear black when viewed from the outside , but the inside kiswah it turns white . One sentence contained in spun gold kiswah are sentences creed , Allah Jalla Jalallah , La ilaha illallah , and the Prophet Muhammad . Surat Ali Imran : 96 , Al - Baqarah : 144 , surah Al - Fatihah , Surat al - Ikhlash beautiful in gold thread spun to decorate kiswah .
Calligraphy is used to decorate kiswah consists of verses related to Hajj and also asthma - asthma Kabah God is glorified . Calligraphic ornaments made of gold and silver sparkled beautifully when exposed to sunlight .
Because it uses raw materials from which objects are very valuable as silk , gold , and silver , the price is a very expensive kiswah around Rp 50 billion .
So every year the Bureau of Endowments Kingdom of Saudi Arabia should provide funding of about USD 50 billion for the creation kiswah . According to history , tradition replacing kiswah performed each year there since the time of the Caliph Al - Mahdi who is the ruler of the Abbasid dynasty to - IV .
The tradition began when the Caliph al - Mahdi pilgrimage Kaaba keeper then report back to him about kiswah who at that time already fragile and feared to fall . Heard alarming reports , Al - Mahdi ordered that every year kiswah replaced .

Since then , the Kaaba kiswah to always be replaced each year on pilgrimage season and became a tradition that should always be executed . Thus there is no longer a condition kiswah concern.
Because , every kiswah only have a lifetime of Kaaba for one year . In fact , the former kiswah used Kaaba was cut into pieces and then sold the pieces to decorate your home or office
According to history , the Kaaba has been given kiswah since the time of Ishmael , son of Abraham AS . But there is no record that tells the time of the Prophet Ismail kiswah made of and what color . New on the leadership of Raja Asad Abu Bakr Himyar of Yemen , which protects the Kaaba mentioned kiswah made of woven fabric .

King of Himyar to put policies in accordance kiswah Arab tradition that evolved from the days of Ishmael followed by his successors . At the time of Qusay ibn Kilab , one of the prominent ancestor Prophet Muhammad , the Ka'aba kiswah installation is the responsibility of the Arab tribe of Quraysh .
Prophet Muhammad himself had also ordered kiswah manufacture of cloth from Yemen . While the four caliphs successor to the Prophet Muhammad are included in the Khulafa al - Rashidun ordered kiswah manufacture of cotton yarn .
Meanwhile , the Caliphate era Abbasiyah , 4th Caliph al - Mahdi ordered that kiswah Khuz made of silk fabric . During his reign , kiswah imported from Egypt and Yemen .
According to historical records , kiswah not always solid black as it is today . The first kiswah made of woven fabric of Yemen actually red - lanes and lanes . While on the Caliphate of Mamun ar - Rashid , kiswah made with a white background . Kiswah also been made green by order of the Caliph An - Nasir of the Abbasids ( around the 16th century AD ) and kiswah also been made yellow by the command of Muhammad ibn Sabaktakin .
Replacement kiswah colorful from year to year , apparently to disturb the minds of Caliph al - Mamun of the Abbasid dynasty , until finally it was decided that it should remain kiswah color from time to time are black . Until now , though kiswah replaced every year , but the color is always black .
In the golden era of Islam , manufacture and procurement responsibilities kiswah always borne by each ruling caliph in the Hijaz , Saudi Arabia at any time. Although kiswah always the responsibility of the caliphs , a king in the land of Hijaz ever presented outside the government kiswah Hijaz .
First , kiswah made of black silk was imported from Egypt who had taken cost of cash Kingdom of Egypt . Kiswah delivery of Egyptian tradition started in the time of Sultan Sulaiman who ruled Egypt about the year 950 -an H until the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the late 1920s .

Every year , kiswah - beautiful kiswah made in Egypt was taken to Makkah over land use called mahmal beautiful litters . Kiswah along with other gifts in mahmal come along with a group of Egyptian pilgrims were headed by a amirul hajj .
Amirul hajj was officially designated by the government of the Kingdom of Egypt. Of Egypt , after the handover ceremony , escorted mahmal Egyptian army went to the Suez Canal with special ships to the port of Jeddah. Arriving in Hijaz , mahmal was paraded with a very festive ceremony heading to Mecca .
Kiswah shipments from Egypt never late and early months of Dhu al-Hijjah . It happened some time after the outbreak of World War I. Kiswah delivery delays occur due to unsafe atmosphere and conducive due to World War I.
Looking at the situation is not good at the time, King Ibn Saud ( founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ) took the decision to immediately make himself kiswah given on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah , kiswah kiswah old should be replaced with new ones . The attempt is successful with the establishment of the company located in Kampung weaving Jiyad , Mecca .
After World War I ended , King Farouq of Egypt I send back to the land of Hijaz kiswah . But look at the conditions at that time , the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under King Abdul Aziz Bin Saud decided to make kiswah own factory in 1931 in Makkah . Until finally kiswah made in Saudi Arabia today.
Kiswah fabric has a unique and distinct advantage . Spun - yarn spun gold and silver come together to assemble scratches kalam Divine . kiswah be very valuable , not only because of the words of Allah in the holy spun kiswah , but also because of the beauty and exoticism of colored yarn spun gold and silver on its surface .
Gold and silver color combination on calligraphy that adorns kiswah has exceptional artistic value . Because making requires skill and exceptional talent because not everyone is able to make such beautiful art . Kiswah a symbol of strength , simplicity , grandeur too .

Process Kiswa
Kiswah first made made by a craftsman named Adnan bin Ad with camel leather raw materials . But in its development , kiswah made from silk fabric . To make a kiswah requires 670 kg of silk , or about 600 square meters of silk fabric consisting of 47 pieces of cloth . Each piece is a length of 14 meters and a width of 95 cm .
Size was adjusted to cover the Kaaba cube field on all four sides . As for the ornament of gold spun required 120 kg of gold and a few tens of kg of silver .

Since 1931 , to cover the Kaaba kiswah manufactured in a factory located on the outskirts of Mecca , Saudi Arabia . In the factory , the manufacture of modern kiswah done using modern weaving machines . In kiswah factory area is 10 hectares which it employed about 240 craftsmen kiswah .
In the factory , kiswah made in bulk . That's where everything is prepared from planning , prototype drawing calligraphy , washing silk yarn , knitting base fabric , yarn manufacture of many miles of pure gold and silver until the spinning calligraphy of gold and silver thread , and sewing the end .
Although kiswah appear black when viewed from the outside , but the inside kiswah it turns white . One sentence contained in spun gold kiswah are sentences creed , Allah Jalla Jalallah , La ilaha illallah , and the Prophet Muhammad . Surat Ali Imran : 96 , Al - Baqarah : 144 , surah Al - Fatihah , Surat al - Ikhlash beautiful in gold thread spun to decorate kiswah .
Calligraphy is used to decorate kiswah consists of verses related to Hajj and also asthma - asthma Kabah God is glorified . Calligraphic ornaments made of gold and silver sparkled beautifully when exposed to sunlight .
Because it uses raw materials from which objects are very valuable as silk , gold , and silver , the price is a very expensive kiswah around Rp 50 billion .
So every year the Bureau of Endowments Kingdom of Saudi Arabia should provide funding of about USD 50 billion for the creation kiswah . According to history , tradition replacing kiswah performed each year there since the time of the Caliph Al - Mahdi who is the ruler of the Abbasid dynasty to - IV .
The tradition began when the Caliph al - Mahdi pilgrimage Kaaba keeper then report back to him about kiswah who at that time already fragile and feared to fall . Heard alarming reports , Al - Mahdi ordered that every year kiswah replaced .

Since then , the Kaaba kiswah to always be replaced each year on pilgrimage season and became a tradition that should always be executed . Thus there is no longer a condition kiswah concern.
Because , every kiswah only have a lifetime of Kaaba for one year . In fact , the former kiswah used Kaaba was cut into pieces and then sold the pieces to decorate your home or office