Airplane journey from the beginning to the creation of up to form long enough now that is nearly 100 years. Some even say that the idea of ​​building an airplane has been around since 200 BC. This is evidenced by the discovery of the pictures on the buffer beam ceiling of a room royal temple of Ancient Egypt. .

Airplane journey from the beginning to the creation of up to form long enough now that is nearly 100 years. Some even say that the idea of ​​building an airplane has been around since 200 BC. This is evidenced by the discovery of the pictures on the buffer beam ceiling of a room royal temple of Ancient Egypt.

Additionally in 1898, from an ancient tomb in Saqquara, Egypt, dated to 200 BC, also has found a replica of the plane that looks like a modern aircraft.

The early history of the creation of a popular aircraft in society was a century ago when Orville Wright successfully flew a small plane in North Carolina, United States. However, the flight only lasted 12 minutes. Although this is only a short first flight in an airplane motor. Moreover, this is also the inaugural flight critical moment that opened the way to the era of modern aviation.

History has recorded that the aircraft is the inventor Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright or sometimes people call them the Wright brothers. At that time, the Wright brothers watching how birds play their wings to maintain balance in the air. They finally had the idea to create something like a bird that uses wings to fly in the air.
Experiments were carried out for the sake of the experiment and then in 1903 they were nearly perfect experiment. Finally in 1908 the Wright brothers were able to prove to the public that they are capable of flying the plane made them. Wilbur Wright flew his plane to France, and made a demonstration of acrobatics in the air. He also made the company to market their creations. Since the success of the Wright brothers flew motorized aircraft, aviation technology is advancing rapidly.

Actually before the Wright brothers there are some people who have tried to create an aircraft. But the results of their efforts are not as bright as the Wright brothers. At the end of the 1840s, for example, Sir George Cayley of England made a glider that could carry a person when it airs after withdrawn.
Wright Flyer - pesawat terbang pertama yang berhasil mengudara
Then in the 1890s, a German, Otto Lilienthal gliding on air with air from the top of the hill. In 1947, there was a significant progress. American pilot, Chuck Yeager successfully menerbangakn aircraft exceeds the speed of sound. Whereas before, people are so convinced that the plane would not be flying faster than the speed of sound.

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